Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Well, when I first heard of DC Comics' idea to publish a cohesive story in the style of TVs '24', I was a big sceptical to say the least. The plan was for DC to put out a weekly comic (called '52') for one year that would take place in real time in that the series would cover an actual year of comic time.

Cool idea, but I had already been burned too many times by late shipping comics. I had decided not to get it -- not a very dificult thing to do since I already didn't get very many DC titles. Then I walked into the comic store to retrieve my regularly held titles, and the damned comic store guy had put the first two issues in my box. I gave him a dirty look. He assured me that I would like them. So, I got them, took them home, and read them.

Sixteen weeks later, I'm still reading 52, and it has yet to ship late. Not only that, but now I'm reading more DC titles than ever before. Don't get me wrong, I'll always be a Marvel Zombie at my core...I'm just a Marvel Zombie with a little DC around the edges.

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