So, I was just reading this thing, never mind what it was, and it got me thinking about something: I might actually have something to say in this blog that's not slavishly tied to news and reviews about games, comics, etc.
My own personal experiences with being an "Al Bundy" geek (get it? 'Married With Children'...remember that? No, well screw you). So, I'm married with children, I work a 9-5 which sometimes turns into a 9-midnight and beyond, and my free time is too important to waste on bullshit. Whatever I'm spending my entertainment dollar on has to go that extra mile, or I'll get really friggin pissed. To quote me, "I don't want to get 8 hours into a game only to find out that I just wasted 8 hours."
So, I'm going to type some of my opinions on shit in here, I'm going to curse needlessly, I may have a guest commentator or two...and most of all, maybe I'll end up helping someone avoid wasting their time on shitty entertainment.
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