Tuesday, July 08, 2008



So, it got lousy reviews...it still had an incredible showing at the box office.  Personally, I just saw it last night, and I really liked it.  I think the critics just expected something different from the movie, and they let their own expectations get in the way of what the movie really was. 

They wanted a superhero spoof flick, not a bona fide superhero movie.  My only hope now it that this doesn't become a franchise, because this movie stands so well on it's own.  Not that Will Smith is known for doing sequels.  I think he learned his lesson from MiB 2 and Bad Boys 2...

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

So, I finally beat the game a couple nights ago, and I must say that it was a completely satisfying experience. A friend of mine also fell in love with the game, and he hadn't played any of the previous games. Probably needless to say, he had a few questions about some of the flashbacks Snake had (especially the Psycho Mantis one).

I definitely recommend playing through MGS1, MGS2, and MGS3 in order to have the full experience, but as my friend can attest, they're not absolutely necessary to completely enjoy the game.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

What? Are you still coming here?

Can you believe it? It's almost been a year since I made a meaningful entry on this site, and I still get about 10 hits a week over here. You know what that means? It means that I have to start posting over here again.

So, do yourself a favor and buy Metal Gear Solid 4. If you have a PS3, and no Metal Gear Solid 4, you're making the biggest mistake of your *gaming* life. As far as games go, this is a non-spoiler site, so I won't go into the story at all, but it really does close out Snake's adventure in a satisfying way.

Friday, February 01, 2008

check out the new luke and sam

Have you looked at The Adventures of Luke and Sam lately? Perhaps you should give it a look, it's being regularly updated every week, and it's very funny. And, I'm not just saying that because it's one of my sites, either. It's damned funny.