Monday, September 12, 2005

X-Box 360 and Playstation 3

I think it’s time I weighed in on this whole next generation gaming thing.  First off, I really hate the name ‘X-Box’.  It just seems like it’s a weak attempt to play to a certain generational demographic (generation X), and it makes my mouth feel funny when I say it. 

That said, I currently own both an X-Box and a PS2.  The PS2 I bought at the launch, the X-Box I bought about a year after launch.  While I’ve been quite happy with both consoles, I’ve always been a bit more partial to the PS2.  Nothing personal, Gates, I just preferred the controller and the incredible library of games.  And now, there’s a new X-Box and Playstation coming down the line; only this time, the X-Box will be released first.  Way first.  We’re talking 6-8 months before the PS3. 

Both consoles look like they have a lot of potential, and while I’m sure I’ll end up with both of them, I don’t think I’ll be breaking my neck to get the X-Box 360 at it’s launch (which should be sometime in November).  Hell, I might not even get it in 2005.  Money isn’t the issue, it just seems like it may be a smarter move to wait and see what the games look like.  Not to be a hater, but the X-Box 360 isn’t going to be fully backward compatible (at least, the cheaper, $300 version won’t be...gotta spend the extra $100 for that).  It’s probably just a better move to wait until the PS3 gets closer to launch because the X360 will most likely drop in price on the PS3 launch date.

As far as the PS3 goes, I’ll be first in line to get this bad boy.  Blu-Ray, Bluetooth, WiFi...DAMN.  Those Sony folks know how to put together a must-have piece of hardware.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Alex Ross

Most, if not all, comic book fans know who Alex Ross is.  He's an incredible artist who creates photo-realistic images, and he's done it for just about every major (and a lot of minor) superhero out there from the Big 2. 

Waaaaay back when I first started collecting, I had no idea who the artists or writers were; and, quite frankly, I didn't really care.  Then one day I read 'The Uncanny X-Men', and it was so amazing, that I felt compelled to know who created it.  A quite glance showed that it was Chris Clermont (writer) and Jim Lee (artist).  From that moment forward, I would study the credits and loyally follow my favorite creators to whatever book they were working on at the time.  I've followed Clermont, Lee, McFarlane, Campbell, Vigil, Dixon, Grayson, Bendis, and Kirkman just to name a few (a very few, in fact).  I sought them out at conventions, I read their interviews, and I bought hundreds of their books.  Then along comes Alex Ross, and I just about crap my pants.  Holy crap, this guy is good.  Really good.  I couldn't wait to read one of his interviews. 

And then I did.  Then I read another.  And another.  And then I came to the conclusion that Alex Ross is an ass.  Just a total jerk.  Keep in mind that I've never met the man or anything like that, but almost everything that comes out of his mouth is just sheer jackassery.  He comes off like he's some kind of comic god, and everything he says is right --- without question.  We're all just lowly fanboys, groveling at his feet.  The rest of the comic industry?  Feh!  The movie industry?  Bah!  They're all fools when put next to the almighty Ross.  Whatever, man.

Sure, he doesn't like G.W. Bush, and I totally agree with him on that.  Sure, his art is still as amazing as ever --- hell, even more amazing.  But the fact still remains that he's just a comic book artist, and he needs to get over himself.  Just a comic book artist.  That's all.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The State of Entertainment

"What the hell is going on with the state of entertainment today," my boy John asked me today. He lives on the east coast, and I'm out west, and back in the old days we'd make a point out of talking to one another at least once a week to discuss the movies/comics/books/video games that we saw/read/played the week prior.

It started out as a way to keep the long distance friendship going (you know how quickly you can forget about friends and family...even in this email age), but it quickly became what John referred to as "the Monday morning conference call." We'd spend 45-90 minutes ripping or praising some bit of entertainment --- sometimes agreeing, sometimes butting heads --- and then part ways looking forward to the next week. Before today, I hadn't talked to John in three weeks. and before that, another three weeks had elapsed. Had we had a falling out? No. It's just that our chosen forms of entertainment are crapping out.

When was the last time a game came out that you just HAD to play? I think it was 'Xenosaga 2' for John and me. "That game was my Waterloo," John told me. We're hardcore RPG fans, and the first' Xenosaga' was red hot, but after paying $50 for that last piece of crap...well, maybe it's time I reevaluate why I'm buying these damned things.

Sure, I ended up getting 'God of War' (albeit as a birthday gift, but still...) and it really seems to be living up to expectations, but it took me nearly 2 months to get the game. I've just grown tired of wasting the half C-note on crap. I'm almost totally relying on the reviews of EGM, GameSpot, GI, and G4. Now it looks like I'll have to average the four for the final game tally...and even then, I don't think I'll ever buy anything lower than an 8 again. The damned things just cost too much.

And movies? Hell, the last thing I saw in a theater was 'Episode 3', and I only saw that to complete the set. Don't get me wrong, I thought it was okay...just not $9 worth of 'okay'.

As for comics, well, let's just say that I used to buy about $150/month. Now, I'm down to around $50/month. What the hell happened to the 'Uncanny X-Men'? When did it become a lame soap opera with the occasional fight scene thrown in? Sure, it always had some fluff in there, but it was always second to the real superhero action. I'm seriously thinking of dropping that book, and it's the one thing I've bought continuously for the last 15 years. Looking back, I've probably only been buying it for the last year only because I've never NOT bought it.

Hell, maybe it's time for a change. I'll happily pay for worthy entertainment, but I don't want to waste my $50 on a crap game, my $9 on a crap movie, or my $2.95 on a crap comic. Looks like I'm facing my Waterloo as well...

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

More Superhero Movies

DAAAAAAMN....has this much time really elapsed since my last entry??? I mean, come ON! May 20th??? Let me answer my own, I haven’t not made an entry since May 20th...I added a few new links on June 29th, so there. Get off my back, alright? Geez, you’d think I have nothing better to do with my life than sit around blogging all day.

Anyway, I just wanted to draw attention to the fact that X-Men 3 began filming about a week ago, so that means that we have less than a year before we get to see those crazy mutants on the big screen again. In the (slightly) nearer future, ‘V For Vendetta’, which was due out on November 4 2005, has been pushed back to March 17 2006. With ‘Superman Returns’ and ‘Spider-Man 3’ and ‘Ghost Rider’ also on tap, Spring/Summer 2006 looks like it has the potential to be a great superhero movie couple of months. Of course, I thought the same thing when ‘Hulk’ came out, and I was very disappointed, so I’ll reserve final judgment until after I’ve seen the flicks.

Stay tuned for comic talk coming up. Also, I’ve turned the comments feature on, so feel free to speak your mind before you leave.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Links, and more Links...

Geez...has it really been THAT long since I've posted? Oh well...looks like I'm going to have to keep this page going as my official links page until I find more time in which to post.