Saturday, October 16, 2004

Weird Japanese Games...or are they?

Ya know, some of these video games to come out of Japan are really....well, they're just plain weird. And, I'm not just talking about some of the poorly translated games, either ("All your base are belong to us!"). I'm talking about the dating simulators, the dance simulators, and the games that don't easily fit into any category. Like a game where you play as a mosquito and your goal is to suck the blood of an unsuspecting family without getting swatted in the's called 'Mr. Mosquito', and I just rented it today. I guess that makes me a little weird, too.

It all makes me think that someday, these weird games will become commonplace here in the USA in the not-so-far-future. Just look at the way a yellow, dot-eating hockey puck being chased by ghosts caught on here. Then look at the way that secret agent taught us that sneaking around stealthily is far more effective than running in, guns blazing. Pac-Man had a few imitators, and so has Solid Snake (I'm looking in YOUR direction, Mr. Fisher...); and since imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, then these games should be very flattered, indeed.

I wonder how long it'll take before I can buy a game that lets you play as an ant interacting with the colony and doing....whatever else ants do. Hell, I'd be willing to bet that the Japanese have already created that game, and grown bored with it.

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